Appointments Information

Why does the receptionist need to ask what’s wrong with me?

It is not a case of the receptionists being nosey!

The reception staff are members of the practice team and it has been agreed they should ask patients ‘why they need to be seen’. Reception staff are trained to ask certain questions in order to ensure that you receive:

1.  the most appropriate medical care,

2.  from the most appropriate health professional,

3.  at the most appropriate time. 

Extended hours within the Practice

Normal Practice opening hours are from 08.00 through to 18.00 but we also offer some early morning and late evening entended hours clinics. These are for patients who are working and require appointments outwith the normal working day. Due to covid these appointments can still be done over the telephone.

Please contact reception for more information about this service and details of the next available clinic.

Patients are free to consult any available doctor. However, if you wish to see a particular doctor you may need to wait a little longer for an appointment.